Digital Cards for Apple Wallet & Google Wallet


Mobile Wallet Marketing

Here come digital Cards for the Wallet! The wallet is bursting at the seams: Tickets, coupons, customer cards ... all too often what you are looking for is not at hand. That's why all these cards and cards now belong in your smartphone. Because that is always there! Without your own app, just in the Apple Wallet and Google Wallet.

More Info

And most importantly, from now on you can easily get in touch with your target group via push notifications, promotions or offers. This is how customer loyalty works today. Create your own tickets, coupons and cards for the mobile wallet now, with the intuitive and easy to use software solution of Kortpress!

Digital Stamp Card

Increase your customer loyalty with the help of digital stamp cards. The rewards system makes it more attractive for customers to visit a particular store several times, as they receive various prizes or discounts when they present a fully completed stamp card. However, it often happens that paper stamp cards disappear in a customers' wallets. They are no longer reminded of their benefits and therefore have no encouragement to visit the store in question. Such cards are also often lost or forgotten, which can be very frustrating for customers, as the data on the paper stamp cards is usually not recorded digitally and customers now have to start all over again when collecting stamps. Digital stamp cards do not have these disadvantages. Stored in the smartphone, the digital stamp cards are always with you and quickly to hand. Nothing can get lost or forgotten and disappear in your wallet. Digital stamp cards also give issuers the opportunity to draw their customers' attention to the business with discount promotions or information about their account balance.

Convince yourself:

Test? Use the Demo!

Try out our demo to design your own stamp card quickly and easily. Please note that the card created is only a fictitious example and does not represent a real stamp card.

To the Demo

Gain loyal customers

Use the stamp card to reward customers for their purchases with stamps and offer rewards. Kortpress helps you to develop a loyalty program customised to your company. Different pass types enable a variety of marketing campaigns.

QR Code Scan

Target your customers directly!

Push Notifications | Location Based

You can address your target group directly using the Card or Card in the wallet and notify them of a new campaign with short push notifications. Or, even better, you can use location-based services and make your customers a particularly great offer when they walk past your store: individually segmentable and absolutely targeted.

Image of Wallet Push Notification

This is how you score points with your customers

Live Update | Status Change

Until now, if you lost or changed a Card, you had to order or create a new one. You couldn't see your account points or status on the Card itself. But now it has never been more efficient and convenient to keep all your Digital Cards up-to-date. Account points are updated in real time, or a Card simply gets an upgrade when it reaches the next status level. And most importantly: This good news always lands directly on the screen of the customers' smartphone.

Card Live Update Image

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you

Picture of the phone

Clear prices

Simple accounting

At Kortpress you know exactly what you are paying for. With the cloud solution you benefit from transparent pricing with monthly billing. For the in-house solution there is a convenient and unlimited annual subscription.

Try out now
Kortpress Pricing & Models Image


10 Cards










Monthly base price 0€* 0€* 54,00 €* 499,00 €* 1.249,00 €* 2.499,00 €*
Each additional card (per month) - 0,07 €* 0,06 €* 0,05 €* 0,03 €* 0,02 €*
Included card updates 20 None 2.000 20.000 100.000 200.000
Each additional card update - 0,01 €* 0,01 €* 0,01 €* 0,01 €* 0,01 €*
Select Select Select Select Select Select

* all prices are exclusive of statutory value added tax

Free (10 Cards) Select
Monthly base price 0€*
Each additional card (per month) -
Included card updates 20
Each additional card update -
Support FAQ
Flex Select
Monthly base price 0€*
Each additional card (per month) 0,07 €*
Included card updates None
Each additional card update 0,01 €*
Support FAQ
1.000 Cards Select
Monthly base price 54,00 €*
Each additional card (per month) 0,06 €*
Included card updates 2.000
Each additional card update 0,01 €*
Support FAQ
10.000 Cards Select
Monthly base price 499,00 €*
Each additional card (per month) 0,05 €*
Included card updates 20.000
Each additional card update 0,01 €*
Support FAQ
50.000 Cards Select
Monthly base price 1.249,00 €*
Each additional card (per month) 0,03 €*
Included card updates 100.000
Each additional card update 0,01 €*
100.000 Cards Select
Monthly base price 2.499,00 €*
Each additional card (per month) 0,02 €*
Included card updates 200.000
Each additional card update 0,01 €*

* all prices are exclusive of statutory value added tax


Stempelkarten sind ein beliebtes Mittel, um die Kundenbindung zu erhöhen, denn sie ermutigen Kund:innen dazu wieder zu kommen. Eine Stempelkarten verfügt über eine feste Anzahl an freien Feldern, welche bei einem Besuch ausgefüllt werden können. Je nach Anwendungsfall steht ein Stempel für einen Besuch oder auch für den Kauf eines bestimmten Produkts. Um das Ausfüllen der Stempelkarten attraktiv zu machen, erhalten die Kund:innen bei Vorlage einer vollen Stempelkarte bestimmte Belohnungen, wie Rabatte oder kostenlose Produkte. Die Stempelkarte stellt den Kund:innen im Gegensatz zu einem Treuepunktesystem ein klares und schnell erreichbares Ziel vor Augen und ist für die Betriebe mit weniger Aufwand verbunden. Vor allem für kleinere Betriebe ist dies ein großer Vorteil. Stempelkarten können ohne großen Aufwand an die Kund:innen ausgegeben werden und erfordern keinen Registrierungsprozess. Kund:innen werden durch dieses System angespornt ein bestimmtes Produkt lieber bei dem Geschäft zu kaufen, bei dem sie mittels einer Stempelkarte Aussicht auf eine Belohnung haben, als in irgendeinem anderen. So entsteht über einfachste Wege eine starke Kundenbindung.


The term "digital" is on everyone's lips and in countless media, but is still a big unknown for many companies. Digital means, that data of all kinds is presented in the form of a combination of numbers. The opposite of digital would be analog. Although analog data is generally more stable, digital data is easier to share and access and can theoretically be passed on indefinitely without generation loss, provided that it is migrated into new, stable formats as required. For this reason, it is a preferred method of information retention for many companies around the world. The more frequent use of the term digitization comes about in connection with the digital revolution and Industry 4.0. Digitization generally refers to the changes in processes, objects and events that occur as a result of the increasing use of digital devices. Meanwhile practically all industries profit through digitization.