Digital Tickets for Belvedere Museum

Digital Wallet as an entrance ticket

The Austrian gallery Belvedere makes it pretty easy for its visitors: The purchased admission ticket for the museum is added directly as a download in the wallet. The QR code on the card is used as the access code. access code. Important data can be viewed directly on the front of the card, while the back provides information about current programs and offers. provides information about current programs and offers. Click here for the tickets!

Importan Information

Thanks to the Event Passport, important information can be displayed directly on the front: In addition to tickertaker, location and time, detailed information such as seat, row, entrance and ticket number can also be displayed. Everything in the wallet - without additional paperwork.

Event Tickets Belvedere Example
Belvedere Image
Access Solution Belvedere Icon

Access solution

Visitors get their ticket without any paperwork

QR-Code Belvedere Icon


Show QR code and check in directly

Update Belvedere Icon

Always up to date

Automatic updates of the digital customer card

Information Belvedere Icon

All information at a glance

Date, time, place and much more directly in the card

No paperwork

A special side effect of digital cards is that no resources such as paper or even plastic are used to create the cards. Also, the long search for the right documents on the day of the visit are over: the card displays the most important information on the front.

Push notifications

With the practical push notifications, users can be informed on the day of the visit about possible changes, such as a change in time. Location-based notifications are also possible: If visitors enter a certain area of the museum, a sticky notification appears on the lock screen.

iOS and Android

The tickets of the Belvedere Museum are created both for the operating system of the iPhone (iOS) and for smartphones from Google (Android). After completing the purchase, buyers can choose whether they want to load their ticket directly into their digital wallet or send it to other people.

Direct download

The Austrian gallery Belvedere distributes its tickets directly on the website at the time of purchase. After a successful order, buyers have the option of depositing their access card in their Apple Wallet or on Google Wallet. On the day of the visit, the online ticket is presented at the museum entrance.

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